The Unchurched

From Patheos:

“The demographic that is the most unchurched is the working class, the lower income non-college-educated folks.  A big segment of these blue-collar workers has just stopped going to church. They are also, with the personal and family problems that Putnam documents, arguably, most in need of ministry. . . .”

“Can it be that American Christianity, with roots in this culture, has become so prosperous and middle class that it would rather not deal with people from this social class?  I’m sure that one could have a more interesting theological discussion with a young college graduate than with the young man who fixes your car. . . .”

“Certainly, we need to proclaim the Gospel to everyone, and I don’t want to downplay the importance of evangelizing millennials, urbanites, college students, and everyone else.  But doesn’t the church need to give some attention to the main demographic where the unchurched are?” 

I don’t agree with all the conjectures made in the article, but it does provide some good food for thought.

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