How Do You Engage and Enlist Others for a Cause?

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In 20 years of working, I have worked in solo roles, and on a team of collaborators. I have worked for bosses, and I have been a boss. But the most rewarding and challenging roles I’ve had is when I led teams of volunteers.

These teams of volunteers varied in size: from a handful of people who serve with our after school and summer camp programs, to when I helped lead more than 500 volunteers in Children’s Ministry. The reward for me is seeing people use their gifts and resources to bless others. The challenge for me is the continually engagement and enlisting of people to give up their time.

One thing I learned is the value of casting a vision for the cause at hand. If you lead volunteers (or any kind of team), you must communicate the why, what, and how of your mission.

Want to learn more? Read my guest post on Jonathan Pearson’s blog: How Do You Help Others Cultivate a Heart for a Cause?

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